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The Blog — motivational monday

Motivation Monday - Change the Way You Look at Things

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

Motivation Monday - Change the Way You Look at Things

This quote by Wayne W. Dyer is a good thing to remember first thing in the morning.  "Change the way you look at things and the things you at change."  For instance, if you view this day as an opportunity to crush your goals and kick cosmic butt, then maybe it will stop being such a giant pain in the butt. Feel free to share this with friends, family, coworkers on social media, or print it to hang near your workspace! And if you like the cute little unicorn seahorse and octopus, you'll love our Mermaids of Summer Clipart Set...

What Motivates You?

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

What Motivates You?

We're switching things up a bit on this monday and we want to know what motivates you?  What keeps you going?  What gets you out of bed every morning?  What's important to you?  What keeps you on the path to your goals?  Tell us in the comments of this blog post or head over to our facebook page or instagram account and comment there!  Can't wait to see what you all say! And if you like this crazy little sheep guy, you'll love our Spring Critters Clipart Set!  Snag it in the shop now.

New Monday New Week New Goals

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

New Monday New Week New Goals

Monday mornings are hard.  It's not easy saying goodbye to the week and hello to another week of hustling and responsibility.  Especially when your bed is comfortable and you can still easily recall the freedom of the weekend.  But remember that every monday morning presents a whole new opportunity to achieve your goals!  Each new monday is the beginning of a new week - which just might be the week that you do something AWESOME. Feel free to share this on social media, pin it to your motivation pinterest board, or print it out and keep it near by to...

You Can't Have Everything- Motivational Monday

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

You Can't Have Everything- Motivational Monday

This quote by Steven Wright is perfect: "You can't have everything.  Where would you put it?"  Because sometimes I feel  like I WANT everything.  But it's true - how would I even fit it all in my life?!  This can be applied to stuff AND activities.  If you're over-scheduled (and who isn't these days) it's good to prioritize and cut a few things that don't quite fit! Feel free to share this with friends and family on social media, or print this out to keep nearby as a reminder.   And if you like the little puppy on this, check...

Never Let Anyone Treat You like a Yellow Starburst

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

Never Let Anyone Treat You like a Yellow Starburst

Everyone knows that the yellow starbursts aren't nearly as delish as the pink ones.  Never let anyone treat you like a yellow starburst.  You are a PINK STARBURST!  And if someone is treating you like a yellow one, just act as lemon-y as possible.  That will show them, right? Feel free to share this with all your fellow pink starbursts. And if you like the little bird used on this, check out our Birdhouse and Spring Bird Clipart set in the shop!